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Thema: 19 Jahre Glioblastom

19 Jahre Glioblastom
24.03.2014 05:54:36
nachfolgend der Link zum Update eines Berichtes von Ben Williams. Er bekam die Diagnose Glioblastom 1995 im Alter von 50 Jahren und ist schon 19 Jahre mit dem Tumor unterwegs.

Alles Gute.

Treatment Options for Glioblastoma and other Gliomas
Prepared by Ben A. Williams, Glioblastoma Diagnosis, March 30, 1995
"... Since my own diagnosis of glioblastoma (GBM) in 1995 at age 50, I have spent considerable time researching treatment options, and the following discussion summarizes what I have learned. Most of the information is from medical journals and the proceedings of major cancer conferences. Some information has been contributed by others to various online brain tumor patient support groups, which I have followed up on,
and some is from direct communications with various physicians conducting the treatments that are described. References are presented at the end for those who would like their physicians to take this information seriously. Although this discussion is intended to be primarily descriptive of the recent development of new treatment options, it is motivated by my belief that single-agent treatment protocols are unlikely to be successful, and patients are best served if they utilize multiple treatment modalities, and go beyond the “certified” treatments that too often are the only treatment options offered...."



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