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Christian Cramer

I have a braintumour of type anaplastic oligodendroglioma, grade III. It was diagnosed about three years ago. In between, surgery has been performed successfully four times (no severe damage and all visable tumour tissue removed), but the tumour keeps coming back. After the first surgery I was treated with radiation (maximum dose). After the third surgery I started treatment with Temodal, wich held the tumour back for about a year.

The fourth surgery was performed in July this year and the tumour came back as large as a golfball only two weeks after. My surgeon and onkologist thought that another surgery would cause severe damage and it was no option this time. Three weeks after surgery I started treatment with PCV. A comparison X-ray was made in late October and showed that the tumour had stopped growing and fallen apart in the middle. I will take the PCV treatment for another two cycles (total of six months).

An important conclusion of my story above is that my tumour does not behave as a "normal" anaplastic oligodendroglioma (according to my surgeon and onkologist). Me and my girlfriend are now searching for ANYTHING that would make me survive/by some time. Please advise if there are any trials you recomend or if there is anything else I can try to make the cancer retriet.

Best regards

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