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Concurrent chemoradiotherapy in chemo- naive operated glioblastoma multiforme: a phase II study

Bhawana S Awasthy, Renita Bhamrah, Omana Nair, Rajvir Singh, Goura K Rath, Chitra Sarkar, Veer S Mehta, Pramod K Julka, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

Amongst all malignant brain tumors, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is associated with the poorest prognosis. Chemotherapy (CT) has been shown to have a positive impact when added to surgery and radiotherapy (RT). The optimal timing of CT is still unknown. Docetaxel is a potent radio sensitizer and has been shown to be safe when given as 23mg/sq m biweekly with radiation in GBM. We conducted a phase II study to determine the feasibility and efficacy of conventional External Beam RT (EBRT) and concurrent weekly docetaxel.

Material and Methods:
Thirty-one patients with a histological diagnosis of GBM were enrolled from February 2000 to Feb 2001. Total EBRT dose was 66Gy (200cGy per fraction), 5 days a week with the field size reduced to include gross disease with margin only after 50 Gy. Docetaxel was administered at a dose of 40 mg/sq m weekly on the first treatment day of each RT week.

All the patients were evaluable. Median age was 51 years (range 18 to 70 years). Median KPS at study entry was 80. Gross total resection was performed in 42% of patients. The mean tumor volume was 85 cc. Twenty-nine patients (94%) completed therapy as per the protocol. There were no grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia or non-hematological toxicities. The observed response rate was 52%, with 8 (26%) CR and 8 (26%) PR. 45% demonstrated progressive disease. Median survival is 64 weeks. Mature time to event analysis would be presented.

Concurrent full dose EBRT and weekly docetaxel is feasible in the majority of GBM patients. Acute toxicity is acceptable; median survival is comparable to reports in literature using adjuvant chemotherapy after EBRT. Large, randomised studies on concurrent chemoradiation are warranted.

Source: ASCO

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