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Radiother Oncol 2001 Aug;60(2):147-54

Combretastatin A-4 and hyperthermia;a potent combination for the treatment of solid tumors.

Eikesdal HP, Bjerkvig R, Mella O, Dahl O.

Department of Oncology, University of Bergen, Haukeland University Hospital, 5021, Bergen, Norway

Background and purpose: Attacking tumor vasculature is a promising approach for the treatment of solid tumors. The tubulin inhibitor combretastatin A-4 disodium phosphate (CA-4) is a new vascular targeting drug which displays a low toxicity profile. We wanted to investigate how CA-4 influences tumor perfusion in the BT(4)An rat glioma and how the vascular targeting properties of CA-4 could be exploited to augment hyperthermic damage towards tumor vasculature.

Material and methods: We used the (86)RbCl extraction technique to assess how CA-4 influences tumor perfusion, and the tumor endothelium was examined for morphological changes induced by the drug. We combined CA-4 (50 mg/kg i.p.) with hyperthermia (44 degrees C, 60 min) at different time intervals to evaluate how therapy should be designed to affect tumor growth, and we studied the tumors histologically to assess tissue viability.

Results: We found that CA-4 induced a profound, but transient reduction in tumor perfusion 3-6 h postinjection. If hyperthermia was administered 3-6 h after injecting CA-4, massive hemorrhagic necrosis developed, and tumor response was significantly enhanced compared to simultaneous administration of the two treatment modalities (P<0.005). CA-4 alone had no influence on tumor growth and failed to disrupt the vasculature of the BT(4) An solid tumors. Interestingly though, a mild endothelial edema was observed in some tumor areas 3 h after injecting CA-4.

Conclusions: We conclude that the combination of CA-4 and hyperthermia is a potent therapeutic option for BT(4) An tumors, but the selection of adequate time intervals between CA-4 and hyperthermia are imperative to obtain tumor response.

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