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J Neurooncol 2001 May;53(1):55-9

Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome (t-MDS) in a patient with anaplastic astrocytoma: successful treatment with allogeneic bone marrow transplant.

Rogers LR, Janakiraman N, Kasten-Sportes C, Rosenblum ML.

Department of Neurosurgery, The Hermelin Brain Tumor Center and Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI 48202, USA. lrogers@neuro.hfh.edu

OBJECTIVE: and importance Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome (t-MDS) is a rare and typically fatal complication of therapy for cancer, including brain tumors. We report successful therapy of t-MDS that developed after treatment for an anaplastic astrocytoma. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: t-MDS developed four and one-half years after successful therapy (resection, radiation and chemotherapy) administered for a cerebral anaplastic astrocytoma in a 34-year-old patient. INTERVENTION: The patient was treated with allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT) for t-MDS. CONCLUSION: She is alive three years after BMT with no evidence of brain tumor and in complete remission from t-MDS. To our knowledge, this is the first report of allogeneic BMT administered for t-MDS in an adult brain tumor patient. Clinicians must be alert to the development of t-MDS following chemotherapy for brain tumors and initiate appropriate treatment promptly.

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