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AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2002 Oct;23(9):1553-6

Visualization of Microvascularity in Glioblastoma Multiforme With 8-T High-Spatial-Resolution MR Imaging.

Christoforidis GA, Grecula JC, Newton HB, Kangarlu A, Abduljalil AM, Schmalbrock P, Chakeres DW.

Department of Neurology, the Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus.

Summary: We used 8-T high-spatial-resolution gradient-echo MR imaging to directly visualize microvascularity in pathologically proved glioblastoma multiforme. Images were compared with 1.5-T high-spatial-resolution fast spin-echo T2-weighted images and digital subtraction angiograms. Preliminary data indicate that 8-T high-spatial-resolution MR imaging may enable the identification of areas of abnormal microvascularity in glioblastoma multiforme that are not visible with other routine clinical techniques.

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