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American Journal of Epidemiology 2001;154:161-165.

Chickenpox Virus Tied to Lower Brain Tumor Risk

July 24, 2001

Chickenpox Virus Tied to Lower Brain Tumor Risk

By Amy Norton

Chickenpox may seem only a scourge of childhood,
but new research suggests that infection with the chickenpox virus somehow
protects against the development of brain tumors later in life.
A few years ago, researchers came across an unexpected finding in a study of
patients with brain tumors called gliomas: patients were less likely than
healthy people to report having ever had chickenpox or shingles, another
condition caused by the chickenpox virus, varicella-zoster.
Now, in a new study delving deeper into the link, the investigators have
found that glioma patients are also less likely than people without the
cancer to have antibodies to varicella-zoster circulating in their blood.
Once a person has had chickenpox, varicella-zoster remains in the central
nervous system and years later can be reactivated to cause shingles, a
painful condition that affects the nerves and skin.
The 134 glioma patients in this study were 60% less likely than similarly
aged, healthy participants to have antibodies to varicella-zoster virus--an
indicator of past infection. By comparison, their rates of antibodies to
three other viruses in the same family as varicella-zoster (herpesviruses)
were similar to those among healthy participants, according to the report in
the July 15th issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology.
"We really don´t know what it means," the study´s lead author, Dr. Margaret
Wrensch of the University of California, San Francisco, told Reuters Health.
In the original study, she explained, "we just kind of stumbled on the
association" between chickenpox history and glioma risk.
Now that this study gives more weight to the relationship, Wrensch noted,
more research will be needed to figure out why chickenpox infection--or lack
thereof--might play a role in glioma formation.
She speculated that varicella-zoster cells and developing glioma cells may
have some of the same antigens on their surfaces. Antigens are substances on
cell surfaces that draw an immune system attack. So a person who has had
chickenpox may have an immune system that is primed to fight gliomas "before
they become dangerous," Wrensch suggested.
Other immune system factors may be at play as well. Wrensch noted that
because varicella-zoster is "so ubiquitous"--most adults today have had
chickenpox--it is very unlikely that different exposures to the virus
explain the different rates of infection between glioma patients and people
without the brain tumors.
Gliomas are the most common of the tumors that can arise in the brain.
Although occupational exposure to certain industrial chemicals has been tied
to an increased brain cancer risk, little else is known about why brain
tumors develop.
Wrensch said there is growing interest in the role various viruses might


Windpocken sollen vor Gehirntumor schützen
Wer in seiner Kindheit Windpocken hatte, bekommt seltener einen Hirntumor. Das wollen US-Forscher laut dem American Journal of Epidemiology herausgefunden haben. Die Forscher um Margaret Wrensch von der Universität Kalifornien in San Francisco vermuten, dass Erreger der Windpocken und Krebs-Zellen ähnliche Moleküle auf ihrer Oberfläche haben, so genannte Antigene. Da Antigene die Körperabwehr aktivieren, könnten Windpocken das Immunsystem für einen Kampf gegen den Hirntumor wappnen. Im Blut von 134 Patienten mit einem Gliom, der häufigsten Form von Hirntumoren, fanden die Mediziner seltener Hinweise auf eine frühere Infektion mit Windpocken. Weitere Studien sollen nun der Frage nachgehen, warum genau Windpocken gegen Gliome schützen. ddp

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