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Ali Shamli

I would be grateful for your openion/advise for any potential treatment for Mrs. Ankica Marcijus, a 55 year old Croatian lady, who was just diagnosed with a glioblastoma of the brain .She presented with a sever headache, and mixing-up of names and right nystagmus, otherwise no other neurological abnormalities.Please, find her CT& MRI pictures at this location on the internet: http://briefcase.yahoo.com/ali_shamli2001 Her family is ready to take her anywhere where there is a potential treatment. Your assistance regarding this matter would be deeply appreciated. Please contact me anytime at (416)727-8642 (cell) or by fax at (905)709-4914 or e-mail as shown above. Yours Sincerely, Ali Shamli M.D. F.R.C.P.(C)

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